Monday, February 4, 2008

Rhee! Rhee! Rhee!

Dateline: 'Rhee granted firing authority' by Emerling (Washington Times) 1/9/08

A ray of sunshire and a glint of sanity again springs from the DC Government and it school system. The most dismal school system in the nation funded by more dollars per student than most any other is finally seeing the light. Ms. Rhee will now be allowed to sack the slackers and shirkers who inhabit the school system. Like all school systems in the Metro area it is hugely top heavy with layer upon layer of redundant bureaucrats shuffling paper from one pile to the other to justify their apparent worth. Maybe with the paper shufflers sent packing the educators will be allowed to teach for probably the first time in their careers.

After Ms. Rhee gets a good start in DC maybe she could visit the Republic of Montgomery County and take out the trash in the Superintendents Office. We have some students that need saving as well.

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