Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Dateline: Gaithersburg, Md 8/30/07

Recently The Gazette ran an article about the dismal drop in SAT scores in our schools. Anyone who can take solace from the article or see any form of a silver lining would have to be either a rabid social engineer or one of our county or city leaders. Now our county leaders will never find fault with the MCPS as they created the monster and continue to feed its ego. On the other hand our city leaders will not object for they believe that 'it is not their job'. Instead they continue to rubber stamp the erratic plans of Mr. Weast and Ike Leggett. Why is that?

In Montgomery County we are in the 'feel good' capital of the world. As Long as the students feels good about themselves then all is well. As long as the parents believe that being in an AP or Honors program really means what it used to then all is well. As long as our educators are muzzled by intimidation then all is well. When a student can answer only one question in one hundred and still receive a 50% score then all is not well. Here we thrive on graduation instead of education.

The Gazette ran a very nice story based on bean counter rationale and social engineer theories printed for general consumption. It would be more productive if our local media really investigated the situation instead of using its own form of rubber stamp.

Years ago Gaithersburg distributed a new t-shirt which focused on Gaithersburg as the 'heart of Montgomery County'. Maybe its time that we became the 'backbone' as well.