Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Recently the national leadership of the NEA, the National Endowment for Anarchy, gleefully told the world that its members overwhelmingly approved of our educational system accepting and educating illegal alien children. If you believe such a lie then I would like to sell you a ticket to the new Hanging Gardens of Babylon opening soon as a Disney Resort in Baghdad.

I have every reason to believe that the vast and overwhelmingly majority of educators in this country believe just the opposite. This is for certain yet you may never hear a complaint one from our dedicated teachers. Why you may ask? The answer is simple. For a teacher, say in The Republic of Montgomery County, to voice such an opinion would mean certain destruction of their career by the social engineers and County Administrators who sit like judges from the Spanish Inquisition ready to burn the heretics at the stake.

Twelve billion dollars of American taxpayer dollars is spent every year to educate illegal aliens in just the elementary and secondary levels. This is money that should be spent by any number of countries who have their own ongoing criminal enterprise to rip off the American taxpayer.

Montgomery County demands tens of millions of extra dollars each year for new school construction. Our County and City officials march in route step to approve such funds without a clue how it is being spent. Does this money go for Mr. Wheast $400 Italian Suits? Does it go to purchase additional white out so that illegal alien parents can white out the country of origins on their child's birth certificate prior to signing up for school in the Fall? Does it go to pay for unneeded portables or wasted on new buildings? Does it go to pay for two text for many students so that the poor darlings don't have to carry a book home? Can anyone prove that the book at home is ever used? How about we hold back those funds and spend them on the education of our legal immigrants and our Citizens?

The NEA is nothing more that a modern version of the Gestapo. Our teachers had best goose step to the right music or face life on the bread lines.

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