Monday, August 20, 2007

Keep on Trucking!

DATELINE: 8/18/07 The Washington Times

Mr. Bush plans to allow thousands of unsafe Mexican trucks to use America's superhighway system while generously allowing our trucks and drivers to traverse the moonscape of Mexico often frequented by bandits left over from the Villa era. Again Bush provides the long end of the stick to another banana republic while American workers get the shaft. The laughable bottom line to this farce is that our drivers will probably be hauling back the products from the factories and industries that Mr. Bush and Mr. Clinton presented to Mexico years ago. Ironic isn't it.

I am not surprised by Mr. Bush's conduct in this matter. He is the obedient servant of his patrons in Mexico City and has been since entering office. The big problem is with the American labor unions. Mr. Hoffa again seems to be all blow and no show. He rightly expresses his outrage at the prospects of illegal Mexican trucks hauling tons of illegal whatever to all parts of the country but he only talks. The Teamsters and other unions squawked when NAFTA reared its ugly head. They whined when their lack of effort in the BUY US program sent our textile industry to our friends further south. They sobbed when other industries headed south of the border. Hundreds of industries, thousands of industrial sites, and millions of American jobs have vanished while Union leaders collected fat paychecks and dined at the country club.

American labor unions could stop this plan in its tracks if it wanted. I wonder why is does nothing for the employees who pay its leaders salaries? Probably the same reason Bush does nothing for the people who pay his. Either bend over America....or stand up!

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